Friday, 26 December 2014

Day 25, Last Day of Penguin Book-a-Day Challenge

Today marks the 25th and last day of the Penguin Books Book-a-Day Challenge.  The topic today is "Under The Tree".

I got two really nice book vouchers under the tree. One from Mr. Penguin and one from Brother Penguin and his wife.

As one voucher is from the United States on Amazon I ordered some Bill Bryson books I have wanted for some time. I purchased One Summer America 1927; A Short History of Nearly Everything and finally Neither Here Nor There, Travels in Europe.

With the local book voucher I got Volumes I and II of the complete Mapp and Lucia books by E. F. Benson.  I have read so many reviews about these books I thought I would have a closer look.

I still have more to spend on the book vouchers but that is going to have to wait. Beginning the 1st of January I will only be reading those books I own.  I might buy some more books but I won't be reading them until at least April 1st according to the Double Dog Dare TBR challenge. The only exception to that will be the March book club book which I do not have yet.

I might get that in a kindle or audio book as it is a classic. It will probably fit in with the Back to Classics challenge I have decided to do next year.

This has all been very fun and I hope you enjoy the photos of the books.  Christmas is over now and I don't know about you, but I am definitely looking forward to 2015.


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