We have one more day left of sight seeing on our 6 week European holiday. We have been on the trains through Austria, Italy, Spain and then flew to Paris from Madrid. It has been a wonderful holiday and it has gone smoothly most of the time. We were each quite sick for 2 days and we did get grumpy with each other a couple of times but hey, six weeks on the road, who wouldn't?

Then I want to downsize our possessions. I have inherited several hundred books from our friend who died and I plan on hosting a large book sale. I also want to get rid of quite a few books I have that are duplicates, been read, won't be read. I want other people to have them to enjoy and I want to dedicate all the space to my Penguin collection and get that looking a bit more professional.
I have been contacted by SBS television in Hobart by a person who is doing a program about why people collect items and what the collections mean to us. She found my collection on the internet and is interested in featuring it and I think it could be fun if it goes ahead. SBS is a great multi cultural television network across Australia that is partially funded by the government. I really respect their programming so to be a part of something, however small will be interesting.
I want to blog more seriously and I have given up several outside committees that I was losing interest in to make more time. There are new things I want to do and try and I believe now might be a good time to start. I'd like to read more classic books. I would like to read more of my Penguins.
I have gotten through a few books during this holiday. Mainly on long train rides or at night when I couldn't sleep for worrying about my pets. I have one dog who will be 15 this year but he is doing fine and I am looking forward to seeing that for myself.
I read David Copperfield by Charles Dickens and thoroughly enjoyed it. I also read a book , Throw Our Fifty Things by Gail Blanke, a motivational speaker from the United States. It was on loan from the library in eAudio about getting rid of 50 things in your house. 50 things being 50 categories, like records you don't listen to counts as one. She takes the reader on a walk through the house and hits every part of it including an attic, which I don't have and the garage which I do have, ah-hem.

I am also continuing to read the South America bicycle ride of Anne Mustoe and am almost finished with that. A good book to read while riding the trains as at times I would get bored , then read her book and am glad I am not on a bicycle. It's all relative I suppose.
I hope to be back online regularly beginning in July so we'll see how we go. It's always good to get completely away from your everyday life because you can then visit it in your mind and see what things you want to stay, what should be deleted and what new things can begin. I look forward to it.