all of which I enjoyed.
The Boy Who Fell To Earth by Kathy Lette is a story about her and her son who has Asperger's Syndrome. It was a great story about her relationship with her husband and soon to be ex-husband. Then she gets a very zany boy friend who seems completely irresponsible but he does show her a different way of relating to her son that is quite useful. I enjoyed this book every step of the way. However if I could change anything, Kathy Lette cracks a lot of jokes. Every other sentence seems to be a joke and while they are quite funny I got weary of all the wise cracks. Sometimes I found the jokes interfered with the story so I would have tamed it down a bit.
The Young Desire it by Kenneth Mackenzie is a coming of age tale written in 1937. It takes place in Western Australia and is the story of a teenage boy dealing with being sent to boarding school in a quite English establishment and his relationships with teachers, students and a girl from his hometown. The writing is absolutely beautiful and it pulls you into the boy's story. I found it a trifle long and would have liked firmer editing but I couldn't argue with the characters and the style of the book.

Happily I enjoyed all three books and would certainly recommend them.
The Young Desire It and The Boy Who Fell to Earth both sound like books I'd like to read... although the constant wise cracking in the latter might get to be a bit much for me, too.