Wednesday 5 February 2014

Meet the Mysterious Book Phantom

I have had a great idea. I have a very (stress very) large library.  I also come across excellent books for not much money all the time that I wondered what to do with. Usually in the Tip Shop on the way to Landfill.

Meet the Book Phantom.  The Book Phantom happens to ride a motorbike all of the time. Travellin' Penguin and I also ride to lots of Tasmanian country towns. Tasm
ania is the poorest state in Australia. We don't have the resources for lots of things and Literacy Programs are no different.  There are wonderful books in my library and there are wonderful children's books in the Tip and Op shops.

How could I combine these books with my motorbike riding? I already use it to search for my wonderful vintage Penguins.

My big scooter has a large storage space under the scooter. I thought I would pack it with one or two books at a time every time I go out on it for a ride. I am in small country towns all the time. Often it is only a cross road with a shop.

I made up a note to stick on the back inside cover of every book. It reads:

Congratulations- You have met the mysterious Book Phantom

This is a free book to keep, cherish and read. Please
accept this book in the spirit it was donated.

I have a large library and as I am in the second half 
of my life my library must go.

Read this book. Keep it if you love it or pass it on.

Find a quiet place and enjoy it. Turn off your phone.
Turn off your computer and the television.
Then the next time you go out
 take it with you and leave it in a public place.

I am leaving my books to the small towns of Tasmania.
Big cities have libraries. Small country towns do not.

Bus shelters, bakeries, public toilets- anywhere there are people.

If you wish to let me know you found it, if you enjoyed it,
your thoughts about it, anything at all you may write me at:

and I promise I will write back.  

Isn't this fun?

This is the logo I will incorporate into the sticker. I plan to keep this project absolutely anonymous and I look forward to seeing if anyone writes me back.  There will be regular updates I will share. I hope people write to me. I'll let you know if they do.

 I am really excited about this project.  I will only distribute books that are in a good condition.   The program starts with my next motorbike ride. Too bad I couldn't borrow the cape and mask for awhile.  I must be discrete when leaving these books. It will be so much fun.

If you wish to copy my idea feel free. I am not precious about it. I want people of all ages to enjoy these books as much as I do. Hope you like the logo.

Who was that masked woman?


  1. What a wonderful idea, Pam - all the best with it. I do think a cape would be a good idea.

  2. What a lovely, generous idea, Pam - I love giving books away! How will you choose which ones to give away?

  3. They'll be ones that we have read that we don't need anymore, books that people give me. A friend of ours always gives me Penguin books from op shops and stuff he hoards in his house but they aren't vintage and I get tons of duplicate with isbn numbers. I find them at the tip shop almost new and current. Books just seem to follow me.

  4. What a wonderful idea! I hope you'll post occasional updates here :)

  5. Yes I definitely will. It should be fun especially if the people who find the books write to me.

  6. You're like a book fairy, sprinkling literacy and love wherever you go!

  7. This is one of the best things I've ever heard of! Great, great idea. I just love it.

  8. Bellezza and Nan- Thanks for the comments. I have distributed 2 books already up north in Tasmania on my recent camping trip. Should be a fun project.

  9. Brilliant idea!

  10. Just catching up on my blog reading and just had to say what a fantastic idea! Look forward to update posts.


I love comments. I promise to try very hard to reply to any message left.