Yes, my sister and I are still on the road, though I think tonight may be the last night. In keeping with making sure I read something every day I had to be a bit more creative.
Enter Hogarth Falls on the wild west coast of Tasmania. We left Strahan heading for Cradle Mountain. We had gone less than one km when my sister saw the sign Hogarth Falls and said, "let's' walk there." Being extremely hesitant as I was keen to be on the road I agreed. The sign said the return walk was only 45 minutes.
Nothing is only 45 minutes where the two of us are concerned. The ' short' walk to Hogarth Falls turned into at least 90 minutes as we became completely absorbed in the fabulous Tasmanian scenery. What was really nice is that the local school children had become involved in the forest descriptions with their versions of the plant descriptions and their matching illustrations. They were utterly charming.
I thought, " Right, this is as good as a book and I will read while I walk and enjoy the illustrations worthy of any children's book.
Unfortunately (for photographic purposes) the photos were safely protected behind glass so there is a bit of glare but never mind, we all get the gist of it.
The things I learned from today's readings.
** The man ferns are so ancient in the forest that dinosaurs once nibbled them. Now only the Rosella parrots chew on them.
**Dogwood trees are the first to replenish themselves after a fire.
**Fossilized fern spores have been found to be more than 150 million years old. (I don't know about you,
but I cannot comprehend earth that long ago)
**The fish bone water fern has leaves that look like fish skeletons.
**The beautiful superb blue fairy wrens are found in the forest. (in fact we saw several of them)
No one knows for sure why Hogarth falls was such named, however there are many theories, none of them ever confirmed. (Coturtesy of Parks and Wildlife)
The only thing I know for sure is that this part of the world must be the most beautiful place anywhere a person can visit. The forests are magnificent.
One other thing I remembered is ..... I enjoy children's art work very much.

Travellin Penguin bird watches at Hogarth Falls |
What a truly fabulous place. I just Googled to try and find it on the map - to my shame I have to admit I studied Australia for 'A' Level geography, and can remember absolutely nothing about it. In my defence I can only say it was a very long time ago...