While away, travelling in planes and staying in hotels and hostel like accommodation we read quite a few different things. I thought I'd just do a quick summary and as most reads were on the Kindle I will put up a few stock photos as Kindle photos are pretty boring.
Judith Hay plays a school teacher in a very proper private school who unwittingly gets caught up in a scandal with a female colleague that forces her to leave. She meets a bookshop owner who falls for her in her new home but he is put off a bit by news of the scandal that she may not be as "straight" as he thinks. The story, I thought was a bit light on but I enjoyed the characters and it moved me along as I winged it over the very large Pacific Ocean. A good beach read. (Thanks Elaine from Random for putting me onto it with one of your reviews. It sounded like a fun read and it was.)
My next book was 22 Brittania Road which came on a disc of free books I bought online from eBay. This was a bit of a dodgy buy as the seller was deregistered by eBay just before the disc arrived. I had a letter from eBay telling me the seller had been deregistered and I would probably not get my item. However, said seller had sent it out to me before his deregistration and I popped the disc into my CD drive to see what books were on it and found I had purchased an absolute multitude of books entitled the Best of 2011 not to mention many other current crime, drama, humorous writings, and classics. Oops. Copyright and all being what it is I thought I'd better not pass this on to anyone else. I was expecting a large haul of copyright free (old) books from Gutenberg. What I got was a batch of pirated best selling books from this century. What a dilemma. What DO you do? Keep them? Discard them immediately because of high morals? I surprised myself. I kept them.
But as it goes I will read some of them and ensure I don't pass them on to anyone else. After all I did buy in good faith and I will destroy the disc once I've had a good look at it. We'll leave it at that. Besides the book industry will not suffer as I spend half my life buying books from various sources. (That makes it feel justified.)
I enjoyed the characters for the most part but the relationship between Aurek, the little boy and his mother got very wearing at times. I thought the story was excellent, the characterisation was mainly quite good and overall I enjoyed it very much. But I did want to strangle this child from time to time. I don't cope with whiny children who need to be carried everywhere when they're about six years old.
Next on the list was Animal Farm by George Orwell. After some slightly fluffy pieces of work with very predictable endings Animal Farm brought me back to reality. It is one of those books that we all had to read in high school in Michigan in the late 1960's and we even saw a theatre production, in the round at the same time. I remember the actor who played Napolean the Pig dancing around on stage. Not caring for it one iota as a 16 year old, I thoroughly enjoyed it now as a (cough cough) year old.
So much has been written about Animal Farm I will not even try to replicate the excellent reviews of it already available. However the characters were incredibly real, Napoloean the Pig was an awful character I really wanted to make into chops and poor old Boxer the horse had me in tears. I don't think this story of the rich dominating the poor, dictatorship, communism, change, political chaos will ever date and it is as relevant today as it was when Orwell penned it. I have several copies of this book in my Penguin collection so I hope you enjoy the covers of these vintage copies. I HAVE to get Penguins into this blog!
Speaking of scary reads the next read was The Snowman by Jo Nesbo. A very creepy, scary thriller by the Swedish writer Jo Nesbo. I have repeatedly heard of this author but not read him.
To paraphrase: At night the young boy looks out into the yard in the dark and the snowman is looking up at him, his beady black coal eyes staring back at him through the window. That after this child's mother has disappeared very mysteriously.
This book is not for the faint hearted but once into it I enjoyed it very much. Harry Hole is the detective who of course is slovenly, has family members he doesn't quite get on with, always dysfunctional personally but extremely competent professionally even though everyone else on the force wants to get rid of him. So nothing new in the line of detectives there but the story was a new one.
I know I'm tired when I watch Julia Roberts and Richard Gere in Pretty Woman for the 14th time. I love her red dress, I love it when Richard snaps the jewellery box onto her fingers and you know it's going to happen. I love it when she goes back to the shop in Rodeo Drive and says to the ladies who wouldn't wait on her the day before, "You work on commission? Big mistake. BIG!"
Now I feel like I am caught up with this post and will start posting up some more serious reviews of books I have put into my TBR pile based on random selection of books owned and listed in my "book" book' of titles to read.
It is also the first weekend of spring here in Tassie and I have been madly scootering in the countryside with friends looking at the beautiful green paddocks, all the lambs racing away from us as we pass and the beautiful blooming fruit trees. Ready for summer with not an air flight in sight.
(Animal Farm counts towards A Century of Books Challenge- 1945)
I totally understand the reading slump after your trip, I used to have such a rollercoaster between reading loads in hotel rooms and nothing for the first week back when I travelled with work that I switched to non-fiction to get a more even pace of reading a lot of the time. Lovely to be back to reading fiction though!