Sunday, 5 August 2012

"Electronicizing" Penguin Book Reads ??

Penguin No 1385
Penguin No 808
Penguin No 2438

The last few days have been happily full of book news here.  First I heard there is going to be a very large four day Book Fair in a church down the street from where I live. It begins at 10:00 am Friday morning and there are supposed to be 5000 books for sale at ridiculously low prices.  I was very happy to hear of it as I know I'd probably find old Penguin books.

Penguin No. 1645
Penguin No 2002
Lovely old King Penguin

However I am going overseas on Friday morning and will be away for 5 weeks (more on that later) and I will be in the air when this sale starts.  I think I might have to con one of my friends into going after giving them a quick lesson in identifying the Penguin books I collect.  I'd be happy for someone to go and pick up any Penguin book they find that is a first print and numbered spine.  I'd find homes for them I'm sure if I already owned them.

It just seems to be the story of my life. Whenever something big happens in Hobart, I am nowhere to be found.  But I can't complain about an overseas holiday. There will be other book sales.

The other book news is a big surprise to me. I bought a Kindle today. I also bought one for my husband. I have decided that as much as we travel it will be great to have a large selection of books in a small space. The up side of it is that many of the Penguin books I own are out of copyright.  I have found dozens and dozens of converted Kindle files online, including buying a packed disc of old books from eBay that I can load onto it and that means I do not have to handle my frail Penguins as much.

I have downloaded hundreds of books onto it and it will be fun to try some authors I have never heard of, much less read.

1001 Books
You Must Read
Before You Die
I have also decided to try and read as many of the books listed in the book 1001 Books You Must Read  Before You Die.  I have noticed several people with blogs are using this book list as a challenge.  Many of the Penguin Book titles are part of this list so I would effectively be killing two birds with one stone. Tick off a Penguin book to review and also one on the 1001 List.Oh, and not to forget the Century of Books Challenge either. So much to do!!

Just because I have given into an eReader I must emphasize I remain a strong supporter of my local Independent book shops, both new and second hand.  I do not see much overlap between them. I plan on using the Kindle for out of print books, the second hand shop for vintage Penguins I collect and the Indie store for the new beautiful books, gifts and stationary always on display as well as books for my monthly book group meetings.
Number 467

Speaking of second hand shops for Penguins, I found some lovely old Penguins today at a favourite secondhand shop and thought I would share their photos here today.

And on a final "Good News Week" note, the national Good Reading Magazine
featured the photo of my Penguin Library in their August issue this month. They saw it on-line and asked permission to print it with some other lovely libraries they showcased. Most exciting.

I have decided there is room in our lives for both old fashioned, fresh smelling paper books as well as modern technology which is here whether we like it or not so I have decided to make the best of it.

Just to clarify, No I am not
the Penguin logo. He is my cousin.
I actually travel more than he does
and enjoy the books more than he does.


  1. I subscribe to GR so I'll look out for your photo - how exciting! I think you're like me when it comes to e-readers. They're great for OP titles although I admit I've bought quite a few e-books as well & as you travel quite a bit, the convenience of one small device instead of a suitcase full of books is a real plus. Enjoy your holiday - shame about the book sale though.

  2. Thanks Lyn, As it turns out I went to the church today as there were people around and explained the dilemma and they told me if I came down and helped unpack boxes for a couple of hours to help set up they'd be glad to let me have access to all the Penguins. Then another woman there said she had her mother's books and there were Penguins and she'd bring those in for me as well as the print in the books is too small for her to read anymore. Very happy, so will be interested to see what I find.

  3. Happy Kindling on your travels! Being something of a technophobe I was deeply suspicious, but my family clubbed together to buy me one for Christmas, and I love it, and still love print books as well. Like you, I mainly use the Kindle for downloading free out of print books.


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