Sunday, 30 March 2014

Monopoly Challenge

I haven't been very good with challenges because I get distracted into other things. But I found this Monopoly challenge (here) on Littlequeen Rules blog and think I'll give it a go. It sounds like a lot of fun and has quite a bit of leeway for each turn.

Besides we're getting ready to go into winter. We're having a beautiful autumn now and the weather is quite mild during the day but nights are getting a bit cooler. The windows aren't open as much.

The dogs still like to get out to play with their balls and frisbee and Cousin Eddie is really finding his feet in this household as he turns four months and learns which dogs he can tease and which he can't. He has really been a great joy running around the house after such a rotten start to the year. Things seem to be settling down and I don't mind that winter is coming.

I think we'll get a chance to do all those inside things we wanted like catch up on some films, read more books and generally not worry about the yard.

The rules for the Monopoly game are as follows but I have thrown in one more rule:  I will only select from those books I already have on the shelves in the house.  No  library books, no store bought books. I need to get through the TBR that my shelves are weighted under.

Starting date:  T O D A Y

1.  Oriental
2.  Electric Company
3.  St. James Place

Now to look through my shelves and I'll let you know what book that will be.

NO DEADLINE, TAKE AS LONG AS YOU NEED TO FINISH, OR PLAY AS LONG AS YOU’D LIKE TO PLAY.  I have decided to play once around the board.

Start on Go. Go to, and roll one six-sided die. Move forward that number of spaces, and read a book that fulfills one of the options for that space. When you’ve finished the book, roll the die again and continue around the board until you finish the game. You cannot roll the die for your next move until you've completed reading for the space you're on.Be sure to count your spaces correctly! If you have to go backwards and land on a space you’ve already landed on, you must choose a different option than you did the first time around. When you go all the way around the board once, you can stop or you can go again for another round – or two or three : ) If you go around more than once, you may choose the same option you did in previous round(s), but of course, you’ll have to use a different book. 

Every time you take a new “turn,” please post an update and a new message. Let us know what your die rolls are and what space you land on, then later come back and provide a link to the book you read for that space, how it fits the task, and the date you completed reading. If you used the book cover option, please provide a link to the book cover. 

First turn: Rolled a 3, moved to Baltic Avenue. 
Later, edited to add: Body Movers, by Stephanie Bond; title starts with B; finished 3/15

Next turn: Rolled a 4, landed on Chance #1. 

And here are the tasks for each game board space:

GO - Everyone starts here.

MEDITERRANEAN AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly purple cover OR a book whose title starts with M OR a book set in the Mediterranean OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “MEDITERRANEAN”

COMMMUNITY CHEST #1: Read a book by one of your favorite authors.

BALTIC AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly purple cover OR a book whose title starts with BOR a book set in/near water (Baltic Sea) OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “BALTICAVENUE”

INCOME TAX: Go to your Goodreads TBR list; read one of the first 10 books listed.

READING RAILROAD: Read a book with a train on the cover or in the story or with an X in the title or author’s name OR a book by an author whose first and last names begin with the same letter, for example Michael Morpurgo or Cleo Coyle

ORIENTAL AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly white cover OR a book whose title starts with OOR a book set in the Orient OR a book by an author whose first or last initial can be found in “ORIENTAL”

CHANCE #1: Read a book recommended by a friend/family member/co-worker.

VERMONT AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly white cover OR a book whose title starts with VOR a book set in one of the New England states (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont) OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “VERMONTAVENUE”

CONNECTICUT AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly white cover OR a book whose title starts with C OR a book whose title (no sub-titles) includes at least one set of double letters, in consecutive order OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “CONNECTICUT”

VISITING JAIL: Roll the die again, move forward and do the task for that property.

ST. CHARLES PLACE: Read a book with a mostly black cover OR a book whose title starts with SOR a book in which a character is a member of royalty OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “CHARLESPLACE”

ELECTRIC COMPANY: Read a book with a daytime scene on the cover OR a book set at least 50 years in the future OR a “light and fluffy” book.

STATES AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly black cover OR a book whose title starts with S ORa book set in the state in which you currently live (for our international friends, a book set in the country in which you live) OR a book by an author whose first or last initial can be found in “STATES”

VIRGINIA AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly black cover OR a book whose title starts with VOR a book set in one of the South Atlantic states (Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware) OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “VIRGINIAAVENUE”

PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD: Read a book with at least two generations of the same family OR a book set in a place you’d like to visit OR a book in which a character’s career is essential to the story.

ST. JAMES PLACE: Read a book with a mostly orange cover OR a book whose title starts with J or P OR a book set in Europe OR a book by an author whose first or last initial can be found in “STJAMES”

COMMUNITY CHEST #2: Read a book in your favorite genre.

TENNESSEE AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly orange cover OR a book whose title starts with T OR a book with a character in the music industry OR a book by an author whose name includes two sets of repeated letters (do NOT have to be consecutive – example: Livia Washburn has two Is and two As)

NEW YORK AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly orange cover OR a book whose title starts with N or Y OR a book set in a large city OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “NEWYORKAVENUE”

FREE PARKING: Read any book of your choice.

KENTUCKY AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly red cover OR a book whose title starts with K or A OR a book in which horses can be found OR a book by an author whose first or last initial can be found in “KENTUCKY”

CHANCE #2: Read a book by one of your favorite authors (NOT the same author as the previous Chance space, if you’re lucky enough to have landed on that earlier in the game)

INDIANA AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly red cover OR a book whose title starts with I ORa book in which a character is a farmer, gardener or gardens as a hobby OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “INDIANAAVENUE”

ILLINOIS AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly red cover OR a book whose title starts with A ORa book about a US president or other world leader (fiction or non-fiction) OR a book by an author whose name includes at least one set of consecutive double letters (examples: Steve BeRRy, DeBBie Macomber, Orson ScoTT Card)

B&O RAILROAD: Read a book set at least 50 years in the past OR a book by an author whose first or last name begins with B or O OR a book set in Maryland, Ohio, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana or Illinois (states the B&O went through).

ATLANTIC AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly yellow cover OR a book whose title has at least two words that begin with the same letter (Example: Buried in Buttercream) OR a book set on an island in the Atlantic Ocean (see below) OR a book by an author whose first or last initial can be found in “ATLANTIC”
Use this list for the island option: Islands in the Atlantic Ocean

VENTNOR AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly yellow cover OR a book whose title starts with V or A OR a book in which a character behaves in a “yellow” (cowardly) fashion OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “VENTNORAVENUE”

WATER WORKS: Read a book which takes place on/near the water OR a book with a happy ending

MARVIN GARDENS: Read a book with a mostly yellow cover OR a book whose title starts with M or G OR a book with a garden or plant/s on the cover OR a book by an author whose first or last initial can be found in “GARDENS”

GO TO JAIL: Roll the die again; move backwards that many spaces, and complete the task for that space.

PACIFIC AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly green cover OR a book whose title starts with a POR a book which takes place on an island in the Pacific Ocean (see link below) OR a book by an author whose first or last initial can be found in “PACIFIC”
Use this list for the island option: Islands in the Pacific Ocean

NORTH CAROLINA AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly green cover OR a book whose title starts with an N or C OR a book in which grilling or food plays an important role OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “NORTHCAROLINA”

COMMUNITY CHEST #3: Read any book from the CCC Bookshelf (found at the bottom of the group’s main page).

PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE: Read a book with a mostly green cover OR a book whose title starts with a P or A OR a book which involves a trip of some kind OR a book by an author whose first orlast initial can be found in “PENNSYLVANIA”

SHORT LINE RAILROAD: Read the shortest book on your TBR list (or the shortest you can obtain) OR a book with the word “SHORT” or “LINE” in the title OR a book with a line on the cover (just a plain, straight line).

CHANCE #3: Read a book with a Goodreads rating higher than 3.0.

PARK PLACE: Read a book with a mostly blue cover OR a book whose title starts with P, A, R or KOR a book in which at least one character is wealthy OR a book by an author whose first or last initial can be found in “PLACE”

LUXURY TAX: Go to your Goodreads TBR list and read one of the first 75 books listed.

BOARDWALK: Read a book with a mostly blue cover OR a book whose title starts with B or W ORa book in which most of the plot happens on/near a beach or vacation spot OR a book by an author whose first and last initials can be found in “BOARDWALK”


  1. I agree with you about autumn, Pam. I'm looking forward to spending more time indoors reading. Autumn doesn't really seem to have started in Melbourne yet. There are still a couple of warm days forecast tomorrow & Tuesday but hopefully when the clocks go back next weekend, autumn will really start. Good luck with the Monopoly challenge. Your plan to read from the tbr shelves is excellent. I'm very bad at challenges, even ones as broad as this. Serendipity rules in this house! Good news about Eddie, I'm glad he's brightened up your life.

  2. We still have warm weather too but who knows for how long. I'm ho pop Leeds at challenges too but really want to get the myriad of books I own read. Will be fun. Thanks for dropping by.


I love comments. I promise to try very hard to reply to any message left.