Monday, 25 March 2013

Onwards with Wings of the Dove and The Black Dog Ride

Yesterday I had a look at how much of the Wings of the Dove I wanted to commit to during the next two weeks and I'll just do another 10 or 15 % of it. As I have it on a Kindle reader it is easy to gauge how far into it I am as they give a percentage at the bottom of completed text.  I find I really enjoy reading chunky books on a kindle (though this isn't one) because you can't see how much farther you have to read.  I just keep going until I either give it up or finish it. I quite like that.

So will get into that today or tomorrow. Tomorrow we finish Lysistrata in the play reading class and I am looking forward to another afternoon with my oldie mates having a great laugh. We have all enjoyed this play so much.  I'll let you know how we go with the ending.  Maybe I can get a photo of our group.  They're  such good fun. If so I'll post it here.

Yesterday I didn't read a word. It was the long anticipated Black Dog ride. As a national ride there were motor bikers in every state and territory of Australia who gathered for a one day motorbike charity ride to raise funds for the Black Dog Institute. It is an organisation that deals with prevention of depression and suicide especially amongst men in rural areas.  It is such an epidemic and a wonderful cause. Anyone who has ever suffered from clinical depression can appreciate how difficult it is.  Having had my own issues in the past with the black dog I was happy to ride with them.  Treatment is available and people are encouraged to take advantage of it. But enough on that.  I am including a few of the photos from our ride.
Winston- the Black Dog Mascot

The ride for me began at 7:00 am and I rode up the centre of the state to Campbelltown which is a good hour and a half ride. But we had rain and gale force winds yesterday though when I left at 7:00 am it was beautiful, clear and the sun wasn't quite up yet. Our days are definitely getting shorter.

Just before Campbelltown I stopped in the historic town of Ross to have a strong coffee. I'd been battling wind and the rains were beginning and I wanted to get my wet weather gear on. Nothing worse than sopping wet leathers. So rain gear on, coffee beneath my belt and onwards with my ride to the registration area to help out with the regos.  Cross winds so bad I actually got blown into the next lane which I find quite frightening. I have never had that experience before and hope I don't again.  Even the very large bikes reported being blown out of their lane.
from the Examiner Newspaper Tasmania
The procession left at 11:30 for the east coast. The ride across the state to the east coast is 70 kms. The heavens poured for the previous two hours and we had many dripping wet bikers. At least it wasn't very cold being about 20 C (70F).  Off we went, big smiles and most of us with Winston the Black Dog on our bikes. A lot of very wet Winstons.

East coast of Tasmania with Tasman Sea in background.
Then another 35 kms to the north we arrived in Bicheno where we congregated, had photos taken, ate sausages from the Rotary and then everyone dispersed and went home after a very long day. I headed down the east coast south and half way home I hit a big hail storm that lasted 15 minutes.  You can tell we're keen riders because weather doesn't come in to it. Just makes things all that more exciting. A group of 8 of us met up for one final coffee at the southern end of the east coast ride before we headed back to Hobart. Another hour to go and this time into the heavy head winds. I arrived very happily home about 5:00 pm and my bed never felt so good.  I was too tired to even lift my Kindle much less a real book. All for a good cause and with wonderful people it was a great day out.  I'm now looking forward to the next few days of some quiet, a ride with friends and reading.

I am half way through The End of Life Book Club which I am enjoying. More on that to come.  I also received my photography course from The Great Courses with 34 lessons on DVD to watch and a workbook to go through. So lots of fun things to do.

Had a short bush walk with the dogs today so they'd be tired enough to settle tonight so I can read a bit before bed. Want to get the Wings of the Dove underway and see if I enjoy it more than Alex did and a couple of other bloggers I read. So far I am not minding it but now I've heard such negative reports I must hope they don't rub off on me.  I will give it up if I don't enjoy it but so far so good so will remain positive.

Lots of things to keep boredom away this week. Hope everyone else is having a good week.


  1. Oh the Black Dog ride sounds an absolutely brilliant way to show support, shame you didn't have great weather but wonderful to see so many people still came along.

  2. Thanks Alex, we had a great time and raised a good deal of money for a wonderful cause. All in good fun. Now back to the books.


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